Srikara Hospitals , Peerzadiguda 099451 24392

Service - Dr Eshwar Patel Ortho Specialist

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If you are looking for a thy and reputable company to build your opera

Creative Team that Gets Excited About

How all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and wewill give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teaching the great explorer the truth, the -builder of human happiness.

About Us

Marketing: grayling grunter, orange obligations of business will frequently occur pleasures.

Flexibility: grayling grunter, orange obligations of business will frequently occur pleasures.

Franklin Sinatra


Care From Quality Experts

How all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete


Zames Willson
Genarel Manegar
Nazrul Islam
Area Manegar
Shilpa Sheek
Co- Officer
Liton Sarker
Team Leder

Care From Quality Experts

How all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and we will give you a complete


  • Execllent!!

Best orthopedic surgeon in this surrounding area. We are fully satisfied with sir treatment and care. Very friendly and attentive towards patient Overall good

Sujith Bolla

  • Execllent!!

We are fully satisfied with srir treatment.overall best experience Highly recommended orthopaedic surgeon in this surrounding area Thanks to Dr Eshwar Patel sir

Bollepally Aravindkumar

  • Execllent!!

I am Saidulu. Dr.Eshwar Patel sir given best suggestions and planed for surgery Finally surgery was done successfully. My family members thank full 🙏 to Dr.Eshwar Patel sir Highly recommended

Ashu Ashwini Ashu

  • Execllent!!

I am Sridhar, my right leg got fractured. Immediately we consulted Dr.Eshwar patel sir After doing x-ray planned for surgery. Satisfied with sir treatment Thanks to Dr.Eshwar patel sir

sreedhar 6672